Friday, May 28, 2010

In the blink of an eye / 一瞬間


About two months ago, Von and I read J’attends written by Serge Bloch. The book deals with the big issue of death in the end. I forgot that this would be a brand-new and difficult topic for him, so I just told him bluntly that everyone will eventually die. He was too young to take the lesson. At the thought that everyone around him would leave him and that even he himself would disappear in this world one day, tears welled up in his eyes. He wept and asked me to give him a hug. I then promised him not to touch the book for a while. Despite so, the idea of death has obsessed him since then.


A few days ago, while we were hanging out in the living room, the questions suddenly popped out of his mouth, “Everyone dies right? So how do we look when we die? How does it feel? Where will we go afterwards?” He talked in a very calm tone. It amazed me that he had digested the information about death within, and that he is going to face it. Many adults never figure it out in their lifetime, but this child took only two months. His fear was transformed into curiosity, which prompts him to find out more about death.


Recently many signs have indicated that Von is growing up, at the speed of light. Children’s change often takes place in the blink of an eye. If parents are not there to witness it, they certainly miss out on MUCH. Those who get to see it experience the mystery of life. However, the transient moments we hold onto so tightly can only serve as mental solace after children are gone. After all, some day they’ll all go away from us.


  1. 或許我們越大越無法放下?

  2. 我一直覺得爸爸媽媽是欠小孩的‧‧‧

  3. 所以後來阿維跟阿罵有很感人的對話
