Sunday, May 23, 2010

Big Sis & Angry Little Lion / 姊姊‧生氣的小獅子


With the approach of summer, everyone seems to get a little bit more cranky.


I’ve been practicing writing picture books over the past one month. Von is my one and only reader. He takes a great liking to the plots because they are all related to people around us. Thus, it has become one of our routines to read my stories together on weekends.


However, this weekend he kind of went too far. Carried away by excitement, he dragged the handmade book bought from India on the floor as if it were his toy car. I felt the need to give him a lecture, so I said calmly, “You should take good care of this book because it’s the only one in the world.” I knew how much he loves it, but he talked back, “I don’t care. I have a lot of books. I am as angry as you!” Since he turned two, we had hardly staged such a fierce fight. I thought that we should cool down first, so I went back to the desk without saying anything.


Over the first 30 years of my life, silent treatment had always been my expertise. It took me so many years and efforts to get rid of this habit, which I hate as well. That noon, when I sat at the desk, I was surprised by my past self for being able to bear with the suffocating air when I gave others silent treatment. Even though I only intended to calm Von down, I didn’t feel comfortable. Meanwhile, Von went to my mom, trying to win some support. Later, he came to the living room, putting away his toys and murmuring to himself about not liking me anymore. In the end, he stood beside me and asked, “What are you drawing?”


Persuaded by my dad, Von finally apologized, with both hands behind his back. I looked at him trying to put the whole story into words, “Why do you laugh when you apologize?” “Grandpa said I should apologize with smiles.” I was rather amused by the answer despite my anger.


No one taught me to give silent treatment after a fight, but it took me a whole life to shake it off and learn to communicate efficiently. Obviously, Von will have to spend the rest of his life casting his strong ego aside. Well, that gives each of us a life lesson to focus on, or our life would be really dull.


When the fight was going on, Kai was running around calling “Big Sis” in Taiwanese. Since this is one of the few words he knows, everyone of us, whether man or woman, young or old, is Big Sis for him…


  1. 好喜歡這一系列小孩的文章,他們好可愛!

  2. 那就是說你懂得如何溝通啦!

  3. 阿思和阿凱怎麼都向去夏威夷度假回來的裝扮啊?
