Wednesday, August 16, 2006

Play / 荷花池裡的捉迷藏

Botanical garden, Exhibition of Spanish toys, sixteen-year-old girl. I combined all these elements and turned them into the illustration for Illo Friday this week!

Visiting the botanical garden is one of my summer highlights. I need to check if the lotus flowers are doing fine and take a look at other dear plants as well. This summer, there is an interesting exhibition of Spanish toys at National Museum of History, so Little Kim and I went together. We were amidst crowds of young kids and girls, and suddenly I became one of them. But the young Kim, who is almost half my age, found me to be too childish!

The tickets to the exhibition are really cool and Kim was kind enough to give me hers. I decided to put them into my lotus painting. How did we play in the botanical garden? In my illo this week, I imagined that Kim and I, each with a big Spanish doll, played hide-and-seek in the lotus pond! Kim was happy to hide herself so well that I couldn’t find her. Want to know the truth? In real life, it would be completely the opposite!

If you are interested in the beautiful botanical garden in Taipei, I have some pictures here from last summer!



因為小眼睛美少女的美意,我得到了兩張票根,不想浪費如此珍貴的素材,再加上本週Illustration Friday的主題是「玩耍」,我便想到,小眼睛美少女和我在蓮花池裡玩捉迷藏,瞧她一副開心的樣子,其實在現實生活中,剛好是相反的。



  1. 小眼睛美少女:因為圖片有問題,我重新發佈,所以你的留言沒了。但是我們可以每年都去植物園喔!

  2. This is lovely!! Beautiful!!

  3. Anonymous1:18 PM

    Seeing your new painting and your old article, I kept thinking about the botanical garden on Nan-hai Rd. I used to walk by there as a teenager everyday. What was I thinking then?

  4. Thanks Alina!

    Louis: 我也是到了二十幾歲時才開始喜歡植物園,十幾歲的時候總是有很多事情要想嘛!看來你下次回來時有很多地方可以重新體驗了!

  5. really like the jungle-ish look! nice paint.

  6. it's great! I love the style of it

  7. Very nice work and cute story to go with it!!

  8. nice work! lovely :)

  9. it does have a hide and seek quality. I like the use of scale,very whimsical.

  10. I love the lushness of the flowers and leaves, and i love how they create the majority of the picture. This has such a sense of fun and magic to it .
