1. The broken dream

by Weichuen You 2002
When I was little, my mom kept recounting to me the shock she had had when we met for the first time. She would say, "Your dad and I had tons of dreams about you since you are the first child. We thought it'd be a baby boy, with ebony-black hair, large eyes and all those things that spelled 'perfect.' It was really frustrating to get someone totally different from our expectation after ten arduous months of pregnancy."
Here is the dialogue I imagine between my dad and mom--
Mom: Is that our baby?
Dad: Well, I guess so...
Mom: Are you sure? It's so...
Dad: Ugly?
Well, I'd always protest to my mom that it was not my fault. If we look on the bright side, I did make the birth of my brothers easier. After people experience the worst, something slightly better is regarded as a breeze.
2. The renewed dream
by Weichuen You 2002
I have to say that parents are people with really incredible vitality. The shattered dreams about their children can't baffle them. At least it's so in my case.
When I was five, one day I accidentally drew a very crude, simple sailboat on a piece of white paper. On seeing the "masterpiece," my mom screamed with excitement and called for my dad. I don't remember if they kissed and hugged me. It was the moment when my parents realized that my unconventional appearance didn't totally ruin my life.
Mom: Look at the lines! My darling baby, when did you learn to draw?
Dad: Can you believe it? Van Gogh of the 21th century is right in our family...
Thus began my children's painting classes, which I didn't really enjoy. However, as a child, I already knew how much "responsibility" meant, especially when it came to pleasing parents.
3. Dreaming alone
Another 20 years passed by. While my parents forgot all the beautiful dreams they had about me, it occurred to me that I needed to continue dreaming, even if I dreamed alone. I was rather at a loss about my life then. I was just out of love; no one new was in sight. I was reluctant to settle down for my stable job which could last for the coming 30 years if I didn't object to fate and seek for some change. I didn't like the gray city I lived in. The list of the negative emotion went on and on.
I started to paint, more intensively than before. It was in this dream that I found the calm and joy. In my dream, I dance alone in my own sea, accompagnied by creatures other than human beings. My existence might be so insignificant that I am the only person that takes it seriously, but that doesn't bother me.
With or without the world, I dream still.
nice style!
are you really nonprofessional doodler? wow! It seems to picture book! so nice!
and thank you for your drop to mine!
This is beautiful...all of it, the pictures the words. Oh, I am so glad I found it.
Cute illustrated stories, nice work !
Thank you so much for sharing these pieces of your life in words and images. I love your painting style, and I really love how you chose to illustrate each of your stories. Delightful!
Hey, WC,
People enjoy your work, and so do I! Nice!
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