Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Lisbon 4 / 里斯本 4

磁磚博物館 / Tile Museum 


To get to the Tile Museum, we were ripped off by the taxi driver. This was our only negative experience in Portugal. Make sure that the driver turns on the speedometer before you hop onto it. 


The museum contains a wide array of tiles from as early as the 15th century. Besides, there are displays on how they're made. 


The museum is housed in the monastic buildings of the Madre Deus Convent. I especially love the beauty of the space design. 


I spotted a charming face by accident. 


This composition of 1300 tiles, 23 metres in length, depicts the cityscape of Lisbon in 1738. 


There are contemporary tile artworks in the museum too. 


Away from the hustle and bustle of the city centre, this is a perfect place for a quiet break. 

阿爾法瑪區 / Alfama 


This is the most emblematic quarter in Lisbon. It's made up of narrow streets, small squares and churches, and whitewashed houses decorated with tile panels and wrought-iron balconies. 


We happened to be in Lisbon around St. Anthony's Festival (June 12-14). St. Anthony is viewed as a mass miracle worker. One of his most remarkable achievements is conversing with the fish by the Italian town of Rimini. Thus one of the highlights of this festival is eating sardines. 


The best place to be for the festival is Alfama. There are food stalls selling beer and sardines. It is especially crowded after the evening. 


The funny thing is, I wasn't aware of the festival at all when I booked the plane tickets. We happened to be in Alfama that evening simply because we walked all the way from the Tile Museum back to downtown. That was why we became part of the celebration. Well, there are always so many unexplainable coincidences on my trips. 


Paper flowers with a stanza of poetry are sold everywhere on squares. Men can give a pot to ladies they feel for and confess their love to them. 


Street parties and parades are important in the celebration. 


Avenida de Liberdade was packed with crowds that awaited the start of the parade. 


In 2012, the typical Marchas Populares de Lisboa celebrate its 80th anniversary. The parade, one of Lisbon's icons, gathers the groups of the most representative neighborhoods in the city. This year a Brazilian group was invited to join the parade for the celebration of the Year of Brazil/Portugal Relations. 

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