Thursday, April 05, 2012

Paris 5 / 巴黎 5

建築/ Buildings


This is the panoramic shot taken on the 6th floor of Pompidou Center. 


Another panoramic view from Sacre Coeur. 


I don't know if any reader detects that I've been putting off the introduction of historic sites. In fact, I planned to explore Paris this time with casual walks like Ethan Hawke AND Julie Delfy do in the movie Before Sunset. Before the trip I also copied pages of information on less-known sites and buildings. However, I totally give up in the end because I don't have a sense of direction at all. There are so many lanes and alleys, and when I believe that I walk straight ahead, I hardly end up where I want to go. Instead, I find the important tourist sites by accident. But my knowledge on the names of the famous buildings is almost zero... 

市政廳/ Hotel de Ville


I decide to explore Marais on the first day, and I do pass by a row of cheap jewelry shops run by Asians in Marais. But in the end I arrive at Hotel de Ville. While I think this is the building I am most familiar with, when Rolland, a grandpa I run into on the second day, asks me what it is across from the Seine River. I can hardly recognize it. 

國家典藏館 / Archives Nationales


I am so firm about taking the same route to go back to the hotel. Well, only by turning at different crossroads, I find myself in this peaceful place. 

浮日廣場/ Place des Vosges 


I get lost during my search for the most beautiful square in Paris--Places des Vosges. It is located in Marais, which is also known for its gay culture. In fact, every short film in the movie Paris Je T'aime points out the spirits of every district in Paris. 

Notre Dame/ 聖母院


This is the back of Notre Dame located on the ile de la cite. Very luckily again, I find it when I am not looking for it. I run into grandpa Rolland, and from then on my knowledge about Paris explodes and I have very intensive French lessons. 

St. Germain des Pres / 聖傑曼得佩大教堂


Located on the left bank. This area is also called Latin Quarter. The French thinker Descartes was buried here. 

St. Sulpice / 盛許畢斯教堂


Located also in the same district. Take a close look. The two towers are not the same! 

盧森堡花園/ Jardin du Luxembourg


Tulips are in bloom. 


Jardin du Luxembourg is the second largest public park in Paris, also the garden of the French Senate. 


Palais du Luxembourg. 

蒙馬特/ Monmartre


Monmartre is situated on the right bank on a hill that is 129 meters high. 


The summit is the Sacre Coeur church.


Many artists used to have studios here, such as Dali, Modigliani, Monet, Picasso, Van Gogh and Mondrian. 


Now there are many street artists. Those with stalls are the better ones. Those without stalls wait in the back of Sacre Coeur. 


This rosy-colored cabaret Lapin Agile was also a gathering place for the artists mentioned above. 


There is a vineyard in Monmartre as well. 

Jardin des Tuileries/ 杜樂麗花園


Jardin des Tuileries is next to la Place de Concorde. It is a rather huge public park. 


People enjoy their life on warm spring days in the park. 


There are also Rodin's sculptures to look at. 


If this is not enough, you can go into the Orangerie Museum for a feast of artistic works. 

Hotel / 貴族住宅


In French the word "hotel" has several meanings. One of the definitions is "townhouse" of the aristocracy in major cities. There are not only rooms for the servants or subjects, also the open courtyard. This kind of architecture can be seen in nowadays Paris. It certainly feels very Parisian. 


I accidentally find Village St. Paul in the city. The ground-floor shops are either galleries or handicraft art shops. It is no grand tourist sight, but it feels very Paris. 


  1. Jasmine9:49 PM


  2. 我本來還想藉由片子來按圖索驥呢!
