Thursday, April 05, 2012

Paris 3 / 巴黎 3

展覽/ Exhibitions


There are exhibitions everywhere in Paris. On the first afternoon, I come across Hotel de Ville, seeing people queuing up. Then I realize there is a free exhibition of Doisneau's photos of the Halles. Of course I have to seize the good opportunity. The name might not ring a bell, but you must have seen a black and white photo of a couple kissing with their bodies half bending on the street. Doisneau left a very important record of Paris' history. Later when I travel to Brussels, I find another exhibition of his going on in the city.


On the other side is the exhibition of my favorite French illustrator, Sempe. He has produced an abundant number of works! I must be really blessed to have found this free exhibition! 


Caterina recommended to me the Museums of Rodin and Pablo Picasso, but both of them are closed for renovation. Though I go to Center of Pompidou on the wrong day when it's closed on a weekly basis, I still make it the next day and see the exhibition of my favorite artist Matisse. 

街頭藝術/ Street Art 


My eyes are busy when I walk in Paris because there are endless beautiful things to see. 


The two photos (of the lip and the mural) are taken in the area of Pompidou Center. 


The French writer Marguerite Duras said, "Make a word become the beautiful lover of a sentence." 


I find much lovely streetscape when I am lost... 

街頭/ Streets 


I walk into this really awesome indie art bookstore the first morning I arrive in Paris. 


The classical Parisian metro sign. 


I go to the post offices every day. I believe the clerk working in the branch office of Hotel de Ville know me by face. I am especially happy on days when I have no access to the Internet because then I can send very intimate mail to friends and family. 


I am not someone with great desire for shopping. In fact, I have spent much money this year sending gifts home. However, in Paris, every boutique makes me want to seriously look at the prices. The clothes are SO beautifully designed! 


Boulangeries/Patisseries will make your eyes and hearts fixed on the colorful window display as if you were under a magic spell. 


I'd love to own such a shiny rolling basket for grocery-shopping! 


The retro menu of a restaurant with great history, I think. My tour guide Rolland speaks French to me for 3 to 4 hours, and without making notes, a lot of details just slip by. 


When will my book(s) be displayed in the same window case? 


  1. shangyu9:40 AM


    會的,很快妳的書就會被擺在書店的櫥窗裏了,我們已是妳忠實的書迷,也同樣引頸企盼著 :)

  2. 對,我不甘心!非達到我的目標不可!謝謝你們當我的頭號粉絲!
