Tuesday, February 14, 2012

New Assignment / 新作業


After two weeks of break, I felt I was drifting. I even wondered if my insomnia had anything to do with the fact that I wasn't up to much. In fact, we got the new brief last Thursday. This time we have to design a set of four posters based on portraiture and use of two colors. We have to know how to draw five outstanding silent film actors including Chaplin, Laurel and Hardy, Buster Keaton and Harold Lloyd.


When I went into the studio on Monday, I felt a sense of freshness, which I had hardly felt before. Mike the tutor gave us 3 to 5 minutes to practice drawing quick portraits. It was such an enriching day. So to make people like going to school, you have to give them a lot of breaks in the first place!


On the left wall were my works. Portrait-drawing is not my strength, but I enjoyed the workshop. 


I drew those on the right side of the wall! 

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