Thursday, February 02, 2012

the longest distance / 最遠的距離


Today I went to the post office to mail Carol's birthday gift. The clerk asked, "Which country? Panama? Paraguay?" I said, "Palau." He replied, "There is no such country." I answered, "Though it is small, it does exist." He insisted that there is no postal service to countries not listed on the computer. I totally didn't get why it was so because in my imagination, you just send the mail there. What's the problem? 


Later I  figured out a solution. I decided to mail the package back to Taiwan for Mom to send it to Palau from there for me. The clerk agreed that this is a great idea. 


In the invincible UK, there is mail that can't reach the addressees. And the longest distance in the world is that when you have prepared the gift, you don't know how to send it to the friend whom it is meant for...


  1. 只好轉機! 沒想到郵件也跟我們一樣啊!

  2. Anonymous6:47 PM

    Palau is served by the US postal service. Remember to write the postal code 96940, and the letter and present ( : )) will get here, I guess through US.

    The first post card arrived! 3Q!
