Thursday, January 05, 2012

Lucky me / 幸運兒


On our way home from Budapest, we tried hard to find if coming back to London feels like coming home. To be honest, not really. We got home around midnight, when the rain stopped. Before going into my room, I opened the mailbox, and something proved that this is my temporary home. There were fifteen postcards and letters, plus three "You've Got Mail" slips waiting for me.


I was just pampered by Carol, and then I received everybody's warm mail. Since coming to Europe, thoughtful Carol and Caterina have always prepared warm cushions for me against loneliness at moments of bidding farewell to friends. Also, there is always mail from my family, friends and students in Taiwan. I've always been extremely lucky.


Bean sent teabags and self-made cookies from the US, and Nana sent the latest album of Soda Green. 


When I tried a cookie that is so full of sincerity and good will, I came near bursting into tears.


The bell attached to Hui's packet even caught the manager Sarah's attention. When I opened the packet, the fragrance of handmade soap hit my nostrils.


Before leaving, I wanted to escape certain things. Over the past few months in the UK, I've been struggling between giving and not giving, between being open and withdrawn. Yesterday upon leaving Budapest, I thought of my coming goal. I want to create in this city warm moments for myself and people that are worth my attention. That is what I should be. I am going to live out my days in London with light and heat so that I can look back with pride in the future and say, "Those are some of the best days in my life..."


Thank you for lending me your shoulders...

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