Saturday, January 07, 2012

Last day in London / 倫敦,最後一天


There are reasons why we love to count down because in doing that we feel the sensation of letting go of everything. I am wondering if my vision will be different if I treat every day in London as my last day here.


The first thing I did in the morning was reading the Guardian. I came across the news on the 2012 food festival in Brussels. One of the features is that the dinosaur gallery in the Natural History Museum will be transformed into a venue of five senses. It occurred to me that Von and Kai had shown to me pictures of dinosaurs the day before. If they could go and dine there, they wouldn't stop laughing while sleeping. Well, it doesn't matter that they can't because the beauty of having an illustrator aunt is that I can draw all their dreams. 


Next I wrote back to a very dear friend. 


I was about to leave Camberwell, but I didn't even do any sketch of this part of the city. I hurried to the tutors' favorite pub "Hermits Cave" on a sunny day. 


Well, the UK is actually quite beautiful. Sketching makes me learn to like a place. On my way home I ran into Viraj, my young Indian hall mate. He thumbed through my sketchbook saying he likes it. I thus walked home with joy. 


As I strolled along, I thought how much others envy me and tried to remember these images by heart. 


Even though this is not the last day, any amount of effort doesn't suffice...


  1. 好羡慕會畫畫的人呀,同個景色,畫出來的比照片裹的就是多了個味兒!我想這就是繪畫魔力所在!

  2. 對啊,每個人的風格在速寫裡會被帶出來!
