Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Sunny Camden Market / 晴天的坎頓市場


I've been to Camden Market three times. When I went there with Caterina in mid-October, the weather was so sunny. Soon that day became one of the best I had had in London. We sailed on the canal, shut our eyes against the sun because it was too dazzling. It was a pity that I was so occupied then that I didn't have time to go through the photos.


I planned to sort out the photos tonight and look back on the trip. But I suddenly realize that I had no clue where I put the memory card. I feel like blaming my failing memory because the visual proof of that trip is temporarily missing. And it's kind of drizzling outside.


Lately I have been thinking about certain things. When an opportunity slips through my finger, it's no use trying to make up later. However, when spring comes, I'll for sure go back to capture the golden moments of Camden Market. For the time being, we'll all have to employ our imagination...


  1. 會像年貨大街一樣嗎?

  2. 陰天的時候也是年貨大街,只是晴天時運河風景很美!
