Sunday, December 18, 2011

London walking tour / 倫敦散步之旅


When I woke up on Saturday morning, the sunshine outside was so glamorous. It occurred to me that today was perfect for doing laundry. 


Well, I can never catch up with the fast pace of weather in London. Soon the rain began to patter. 

Richard Green, New Bond Street, London, W1S 2TS


Luckily, the sun eventually decided to show up. Lovely Marcia and I walked to Richard Green, a gallery on New Bond Street for the exhibition of Laurence Stephen Lowry. Not knowing the whereabouts of the gallery people, we viewed the paintings outside the French window. 


Green Park connects St. James Park and Hyde park. It is a Royal Park. Marcia told me that the story behind its name originates from the past kings meeting their mistresses in the flowery park, so the queen decreed no flowers be planted. I said that now there are paparazzi to "watch over" every member of the royal family. 


This image reminds me of Frost's poem: The Road Not Taken. 


Before going to St. James Park, we passed by the rear gate of Buckingham Palace. In freezing winter, the guard still stands firm and upright. 


St. James Park is a Royal Park, and I did feel that noble atmosphere upon walking into it. Marcia thinks the view from the bridge is very Disneyesque. 


The birds in St. James Park know well that tourists are very generous. If they approach the visitors, they will have access to endless snacks. You can tell that they are really well fed. 


The trees are unique in their own ways. 


There are primitive cottages in the aristocratic-looking park. They are Marcia's favorites. 


The scenery before sunset was intoxicating. 


We got to see the full view of Buckingham Palace before entering Hyde Park. 


My first visit to the park was more than three months ago. Time DOES fly! 


Hyde Park was packed with people. It features "Winter Wonderland" and parents are eager to take their children there for joyous rides. 


I had a super lucky day. In addition to the lovely weather, I had Marcia, who loves to walk and has a remarkable sense of direction, as my tour guide. Together with the amazing change of sky colors, I was able to photograph the most beautiful looks of London. 


Having said goodbye to Prince Albert, the husband of Queen Victoria, we ended  today's walking tour. 


Passing by Royal Albert Hall, we had hot chocolate in a well-lit cafe to warm our bodies and hearts. Then we said to each other, "See you next year!"

1 comment:

  1. Patty7:26 PM


