Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Have you? / 你是否?


After taking a pause from my project during the weekend, I was very aware of the remaining time on my hand. This morning I packed my drawing kits without delay before going into the studio. We kind of caught up on the previous weekend, and when I was about to start, Aidan sat down to talk to me in a very sincere yet troubled tone: Have you ever felt that others' works are much better than yours? I turned to him in total agreement: Tell me about it...He took out a collection of comics he just had bought, saying how much he wanted the lines and styles of the artists. I couldn't help sharing with him my experience last week. Then he thumbed through his own sketches for the project. I told him that we are both trapped. In fact, several weeks ago Derek gave him a compliment on how well he draws. There's something spontaneous about Aidan's lines, and you'll find him to be very imaginative upon seeing his works. I encouraged him with the words that friends had been showering upon me lately: You can only produce works in your own style.


After I turned back to my work, I had completely thrown behind what I said. I experimented with several media, but I didn't like the results. Besides, I had a new image which I was not sure if the viewer understands. I tried to make it on my own until the afternoon, but I felt I should turn to Mike for help. I had come back to the rose image, but he asked me about the previous choice. I thus showed him the cell phone idea, and he said very directly that he didn't like it. I could live with that with no problem. In fact, I was more worried about the new image. Fortunately he figured out another narrative form for me. Since this is already the final stage, he tried to figure out quick ways to modify everyone's ideas.


In the evening I looked back on what had happened today. I've been in a state of uncertainty lately. I planned to present the poster in the form of the original drawings, but upon hearing that so many classmates would like to print out their PDF files, I started to oscillate. I knew that the output will look different from the computer version based on last week's experience, so I might as well present the hand-drawn feel of the originals. I haven't experienced that uncertainty for too long, so I panic easily. However, I figure this is God's message of wanting me to learn being taken care of, to learn to turn for help when I've reached my limits.


On my to school this morning, I found this dreamcatcher on a tree. I wondered who had put it up there. Over the past few days Ning and Bean have reminded me how my drawings make them smile. I guess I have gradually forgotten who I am while I am after my dreams. Thanks to their reminder, I tell myself that I don't have to print out my posters, but I have to draw them with gladness. 


This is the second last week of the term. Many people didn't show up in the studio, and some left around noon. In the afternoon only a handful of us remained. Aidan couldn't help singing, and Laura said she feels like 35. I said, "That's my age!" When Aidan heard it, he exclaimed, "No way!" He went on to say, "You are timeless!" Laura said that he was flirting, and I teased him by saying, "Oh, I won't tell Becky (his girlfriend)." He went on, "I hope one day when people ask me what I do, I can say that I am an illustrator." We all relate to that because we want more than please ourselves. In fact, I always get tense after having spent a day in the studio, but these moments of doodling and mumbling nonsense at the same time are what I cherish and want to bear in mind. 


I wonder if anyone has made any wish on that dreamcatcher. If not, I'd like to say, "Nice to meet you. I am an illustrator, and I live on drawing." 


  1. Count me too! I also don't understand how we can operate smth with that feeling "others' works are much better than yours". I know, everybody tell not to compare yourself with others work because they just "different" not better or worse. But this is just a voice of mind and somehow we need to believe in it

  2. 現在知道從這邊寄到倫敦是整整十天啦:)

    如果每個人都朝這方面努力, 那人人都一樣啦
    As you said here, we can only produce works in our own styles. :)

  3. 你是永恆的!

