Friday, November 11, 2011

35 vs 19


This morning I went to school with a huge tote bag and my new Telecube. The trees on the sidewalk are stripped of leaves.  Jazel made a cute comment last weekend: The leaves are supposed to be on the branches. How come they are all on the ground? In the blink of an eye, my third month in London has started. 


Today is the most stressful day since the term has started. We had the presumption that the tutors must have got wrong the date for the Romeo and Juliet assignment. Unfortunately, we were split into two groups right from the beginning--one went with the final illustration presentation while the other group started with the Romeo and Juliet project, to which I belonged. 


We posted our assignments on the wall. Most people had about 5 sheets whereas I had more than 20. Graphic art majors did the homework rather differently from the illustrators. I wonder if it's a difference in our cognition of the assignment or in our intrinsic training. Anyway, after I finished reading the brief, my idea was: We had to choose five themes out of the ten topics given by Derek on Monday and developed ideas further from each of them. Apart from using words, we had to look for all kinds of images and visual languages. Also, we had to draw ourselves. 

小淳畫 / drawn by me

小淳畫 / drawn by me 

剪貼 / clippings 

左下角小淳畫 / the bottom left image drawn by me 

左上和右下為小淳畫,傑克最愛的是左上圖 / the top left and bottom right images drawn by me, the previous is Jake's favorite 

剪貼 / clippings 

小淳畫 / drawn by me 

左圖為小淳畫 / the left-hand image drawn by me 

左上和右邊為小淳畫 / the top left and the right images drawn by me 

剪貼 / clippings 

小淳畫 / drawn by me 

小淳畫 / drawn by me 

右圖為小淳畫 / the right side image drawn by me 

左圖為小淳畫 / the left side image drawn by me 

左圖為小淳畫 / the left side image drawn by me 

小淳畫,這也是傑克覺得很搶眼的圖 / drawn by me, this is the other image that Jake finds eye-catching 

右下角為小淳畫 / the bottom right drawn by me 

剪貼 / clippings 

右邊為小淳畫 / the right side image drawn by me 

剪貼 / clippings 


My assignments covered a wall. Jake told everybody that this was exactly what the clients wanted to see. In fact, yesterday I produced a dozen of drawings within 2 and half hours. These images were mainly for developing ideas, so there was no need to focus on the fine lines. I used markers and Chinese ink to draw fast. Before I gave the presentation, Jake said that graphic designers are above illustrators in that the former work mainly on concepts, and when they need pictures, they go to illustrators. I had no clue what had come over me today. I said to the class, "I quite like the bold lines achieved by ink, so if anyone here would like to hire me, please contact me." 


Before the noon break, I went to the the other studio to participate in others' illustration presentations. When Xin was showing her works, Jia-xin said with envy: She started to learn drawing when she was little. She knows so many things...I said, "Your works are good too. Besides, you have so much time as well. I am already 35..." She then told me with envy: But you have so many ideas. Her remarks made me feel that it's not so bad to be the elder in class. 


Aidan didn't attend the screen printing workshop last week. Since he's one of my friends in class, I reminded him that he can still go to other screen printing lessons. Lately we have been confirming the date. At noon Wendee borrowed a spoon from me. I offered Aidan a chocolate cookie since he didn't have lunch with him. He said that I am Mary Poppins, the magical English nanny that flew with the East wind into households to take care of children. I  guess he has seen through my nanny personalities. During lunchtime I also chatted with Tatiana about parents. It's interesting that Russian parents are no different from mine in that all of them want us to do jobs that will help us earn big money. Right, I know about all that. It's just that I put it aside for the time being.


In the afternoon we started our presentations of illustrations. Jake decided to let people who hadn't talked in the morning go first. So much change came over him today. For example, when he was about to make a latecomer show his works, he changed his mind, saying, "You are late, so you don't deserve a crit." He must have received my message in one way or another. Besides, he worked very hard to control time. The new friendly-looking black classmate was our stopwatch angel. (Jake is the second from the right hand side.) 


Despite all that, there wasn't time left for me to give the presentation. Luckily, I posted my paintings on the wall from the start, so at least everyone saw it whether they chose to or not. Before going to Derek's lecture, Li-wen let me give her a solo presentation. She  told me that she liked them, which comforted me a lot. 


Jake and Lou keep repeating that good as many images are, our job as illustrators are to communicate. Thus, we have to convey a clear message through the images. I drastically modified my direction after last week's crit. The cats, dogs and pigs brought to Mauritius by Europeans ate up the eggs of dodo birds. In addition, they give me the impression of being naive, so these are my points. 


version 1: The visual effect from a distance is alright. 


Version 2: I like the visual effect of this one a lot. The white doesn't make the image empty at all. 


Seeing that Jake spared time to look at Tatiana's works after class, I decided to be active since I'd paid so much tuition fee. I literally shoved the paintings under the tutors' noses, so it turned out that Lou gave me a crit too. They have very diverse styles. Lou told me the strengths of a drawing which I didn't do well. For example, though the first version is not so eye-catching as the second one, she said she likes the texture of the grass. She also saw very small details such as the baby dodo bird bursting out of the egg. Jake said that I had no idea what I was doing when it comes to the hatching for the feather in the second version. True, because the 1st version was done later, he figured that I must have had practiced more. He saw right through the lines, so I could only tell myself, "Go home and practice as much as you can!" 


Earlier the red-haired Joe showed an awesome drawing of a gorilla. Jake said his hatching exudes confidence, and my lines of the dodo bird's feather doesn't. 


It was nice that several classmates said they really like my works. On our way to the lecture hall, the black-haired Joe asked me if I spent much time on my assignments. I asked him how old he is. He is 19, which means there is an age difference of 16 between us. In other words, he has another 16 years to catch up with me, which I am sure he will in less than 16 years. I don't have time. All I have is now...


  1. shangyu12:28 PM



  2. 那我也趕快去工作!!

  3. Jasmine11:46 PM


  4. Mary Poppins! 我小時候很愛呢:)

    下次與大學部的小孩共事也可以抬頭挺胸!: D

  5. 準備充分

  6. 小瑜:對啊,前幾天和泰緹安娜聊天,她因為年紀也比小朋友大一點,她說她也很能了解老師出作業的動機。






