Monday, September 12, 2011

new friend / 新朋友


The weather in London this weekend was more than friendly. We had two sunny days with occasional rain. When Carol and I walked into Hyde Park, we came across the endless line of joggers. We strolled among the crowds to feel the zeal of Londoners.


The cheering crowds and musicians also went out of their way to root for the joggers. In fact, since my arrival, wherever I go, I've felt the kindness of British people, which is drastically from the reserved nature others told me about. The scene today in Hyde Park further reversed my impression of Londoners. 


The Sunday sky couldn't be brighter. 


Instead of jogging, we decided to sit on the beach chairs to enjoy the nice weather and feel warm sunshine on our faces. 


On our way to the Tate Modern, we passed by St. Paul Cathedral. Today is 911, so a solemn memorial rite was held in front of the cathedral. There was sudden light drizzle, but it was a moving ceremony. The gentleman standing in front of us was wiping his tears at one point. 


Crossing the bridge, we went from St. Paul Cathedral to the Tate Modern. 


We chose to go to the Tate Modern today because this weekend there was the Thames Festival. Outside the museum was a craft market. I'd like to explore my future market here. 


Carol's trip to London ended in the cafe on the top floor of the Tate Modern. We stood at the bar counter in front of the window sipping beverage and taking in the view across from the river. 


I didn't finish my sketch, but I don't mind. My trip is about to begin, and like the blank part, there is too much emotion that can't be captured with cameras. Before Carol left, I told her that I'd feel lost when she left me. As I expected, after I saw her off, I kind of lingered at the crossroads, wondering if I should head home or go to Carol's hotel to say hi to the receptionist. I was surprised that I opted for the latter. I walked into the small entrance, wishing him a happy Mid-autumn Festival. After having had long conversations with us for two days, he reached out his hand saying, "My name is Vinni. What is your name?" He said I can drop by the hotel on my way to the school. I am so aware that many people I meet now will not be there for long in my life, but at that moment, he offered me the consolation I was in need of. He is my first friend in the Camberwell neighborhood. 


Meanwhile, my young floor mates seem to have found new friends. From tomorrow on, I am going to expand my circles! 


  1. spookie1:29 PM


  2. 其實John就是我拜訪的神秘友人啦!

  3. 好悠閒啊
