Tuesday, July 05, 2011


餐廳整修前面貌 / the look of the restaurant before renovation


More than two months ago, I received phone calls from the staff of Ju Ming Art Museum for this summer they would like to expand the outdoor mural contest by inviting winners from the past few years. I did give some thought to it, but in the end still decided not to participate. It was not that I had lost zeal for such a thing. The difficulty lay in the inaccessibility of the museum, so I wouldn't be able make it to travel back and forth on my own. Meanwhile, Erica's mom, Jade, asked if I was willing to paint one side of the walls in her new restaurant. Since the project is more manageable chronologically and spatially, this invitation becomes one of the top missions I look forward to this summer. 

剛開始我沒有任何的設限,不過也因為如此,每天走在路上東看西看,好像什麼都有可能,卻又畫不出來什麼像樣的東西,只好逼自己穩當地坐在書桌前腦力激盪。在Camilla Engman的網站裡看到一張很棒的相片,心想先走裝飾風好了,只要一有了開頭,想法就會延伸下去。

In the beginning Jade didn't specify what kind of style she prefers. I collected ideas by glimpsing at as many objects and people as possible when I walked on the streets. However, when there are too many possibilities, it is hard to really settle on one choice. Thus, I had to force myself to sit down at the desk and brainstorm. I happened to see a really fantastic photo on Camilla Engman's website, and I thought the decorative style might be a beginning point. Once there was a start, my creativity would grow and take me somewhere I hadn't expected. 



Next I received the menu of the restaurant and learned that the main specialties will be hamburgers and sets featuring several kinds of meat. So I put the focus on "food" in the image. 

I've been drawing for several years, and it is always the finished images that I post on my blog. Not until the interview I had at the end of last year did I learn that at least in art schools in the U.K., the process of brainstorming matters much more than the result. I wasn't used to making public my drafts, but from now on, I am going to change my ways. As a matter of fact, it took me almost a sketchbook to come up with a version that satisfies my client this time. 


The main color themes of the restaurant are the wooden and red colors. To find a balance, I chose green as the background color. The patterns of leaves also underwent certain change from being static to dynamic. At the end of this stage I sent three versions of draft. 


Then I got a reply from Jade telling me that the image doesn't have to be related to food. The mother and the two daughters then picked some past works of mine for my reference. 


This reminded me of my previous experiences. When working on new cases, I was more than eager to create from scratch, but the clients actually took a liking to a certain style in my portfolio. Jade prefers the image of Kai standing on the piano while Erica sets her eye on the cookie knight. Here came the challenge though: How to fit a vertically rectangular picture into a horizontally rectangular space? Well, I wouldn't be needed if the answer was right there for everyone to see. 


It's actually time-consuming to come up with colored samples. After being rejected again, I changed my working mode. In fact, illustrators don't go on until the editors are ok with the sketches. It occurred to me that I should do the same. 


On my second visit to the restaurant, I discovered a piece of space that I hadn't included. I thanked God for my not thinking up the final version yet!


These are the over-romantic versions. Though Jade said she hasn't much experience in art, she has stimulated me by giving new suggestions every day. Instead of denying the possibilities right away, it'll be much more constructive to experiment with her advice. And like I said before, once there is a start, new ideas will spring up on and on and on. 


The little girl becomes a giant!


Customers have to tilt their heads while eating!


I was at the end of my wits by this time, and luckily, Jade and the girls chose the best part from each draft for me so that I could combine them in the final draft. 


This draft with my shadow reflected on it was photographed at about 9:30 pm. It was used for other purposes,  so I couldn't take another photo of it. 


It seemed that I was about to achieve my first-stage mission. Yet Jade approached from new angles, and I kept practicing the favorite game in illustration--changing the realistic sizes of characters and objects to create various visual effect. 


Finally, among the last five drafts,  we picked one of which both of us approved. I feel like giving the reader a challenge from time to time. Guess which one is it? Or which one would you select out of all drafts? 


  1. Patty2:39 PM

    最喜歡彈鋼琴女孩的第三個版本!大窗戶歪歪的很有奇幻的感覺,真的很浪漫!歪著頭看的那張會擔心小楷要摔下來了>"< 但是剛剛發現水平翻轉之後會有意外的效果:)

  2. Patty2:41 PM


  3. 07/03/11 第三個版本~
    06/30/11 第四、五版本,看到客人歪頭的樣子挺酷的!


  4. Patty:我是挺喜歡彈鋼琴的女孩和斜斜的窗戶,但是老闆覺得太浪漫了!




