Wednesday, June 01, 2011

Being LOVED / 被愛著


This morning Sharon asked me if I will burst into tears in the graduation ceremony to come. Even I myself didn't expect to hear the answer that blurted out of my mouth: I don't know...Though I have my own life plans, I can't quite imagine, at least for the time being, how it feels to not be able to prepare surprises for these kids every day, or how it feels to have to swallow back my silly jokes, and worst of all, how it feels to have no one to share the beauty of my favorite Korean stars.


To bid farewell without regret, I sent out countless postcards and several framed paintings to each person. Also, I just finished a short film on the three years we had spent together. I thought that was the end, but kids have asked me to draw in their yearbooks with sincerity and delight. I drew more than one picture for some of them, which gave me the illusion that I am Picasso incarnate. It feels as if we would never say goodbye.


It looks like I have given much, but in fact, all the love comes back to me with far more warmth. I see in my girls the way I am, and I get drawings as farewell gifts from them. Some are their cherished best works. I will bring the artworks with me, so when I travel to a new city with strangers surrounding me, they will whisper to me constantly that I am loved.


  1. 哇嗚!每幅畫都充滿了愛以及 stimulating 的顏色!小淳妳真的擅於散播愛的種子~好棒!! :-)

  2. 妳也是個很會愛的人!

  3. 看到武則天了



