Saturday, March 19, 2011

Auntie Wan / 汪阿姨


I’ve heard that many people choose not to have children because this world is too sinister and rugged. It is unfair for the newborns to be confronted with so many unprecedented challenges. I had always believed that life itself was full of possibilities, and that everyone would find their way to survive. However, I’ve come to identify with others since large-scale natural calamities occur at such a frequent rate and advanced technology doesn’t actually ensure a better life. It doesn’t make sense for the new generation to bear the negative consequences caused by greed, evil and selfishness of their ancestors.


Now we can’t say with assurance words like, “After you grow up,” or “in decades…” Every day when we are still able to go about our daily routines is an extra gift. It is blasphemous to live without a thankful heart. I am so aware of the terrible catastrophe that is playing out right in front of my eyes, but meanwhile I want to be joyful for the kids’ tiny and trivial progress—Kai is capable of saying more than three words in each sentence. Everyone repeats to him how to say “auntie Wanda,” though I turn out to be auntie Wan. When I leave the world, I want to go away with such memories.