Saturday, April 17, 2010

Graduation Trip / 畢業旅行


During the past week, other classes went on the graduation trip they had long been looking forward to, while my class opted to stay at school for the preparation of the big presentation in May and various assignments. I did give a rain check to many people about the exhibit on the trip to Spain as late as this spring, but I really felt like pretending that I hadn’t made the promise. Not that I didn’t finish the series. The drawings were in my portfolio, and we did need a trip, in any kind of form. I then made the decision to hold the exhibit in our classroom along with an afternoon tea party. Thus, on a drizzly Thursday afternoon, we had a really warm and lovely gathering with my girls and many enthusiastic colleagues. Even Mom and Von were invited to be the special guests.


For my parents’ sake, I grew up in schools, and I have worked in schools after graduating from college. I know this environment well, but I couldn’t think outside the box when it came to how to make use of it creatively. The party on Thursday afternoon made me think a lot about the functions of schools, which are a place for learning. However, we also “live” in schools as we spend about one-third of a day there. Therefore, everything related to daily life can be experimented in school. I turned the bulletin board on the back into space for displaying my artworks. Compared with distant galleries and cafes, art becomes more accessible when exhibited in everyday living space.


One of my dreams is to hold a book-reading session in a bookstore, and I’d like to share with my readers the stories behind my book. I am glad that I have carried this out in a classroom. I also learned to share my thoughts with people around me. I used to define art in a very lofty way. In fact, I’ve realized that if I start right here and now from people I see on a daily basis, I can get very direct feedback and encouragement. I couldn’t express my happiness in words when I heard that at least one person had been influenced by me and planned to travel to Spain next year.


I’d say this is the most beautiful event for me this spring, and I hope everyone present that day was equally touched!


  1. Anonymous10:36 PM


  2. 啊!婉瑩也有看到嗎?

  3. 沒有,這是在教室!

  4. Miss you,


    thank you


  5. 好幸福喔!妳可要用力地玩喔!

    Bon voyage!
