Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Life Lesson in Barcelona / 巴塞隆納的人生課題


Madrid is the city of kings. Everything is as grand and majestic as you can imagine. Even tourists exuded a certain aura of condescension. Barcelona, on the other hand, is free from the burden of a capital city. It is colorful, passionate, unconventional. In fact, it played a key role in our going to Spain because we were so tempted after having seen Woody Allen’s Vicky Christina Barcelona.


To get back to many friends’ question, no, we didn’t have any romantic encounters, strictly speaking, like the lead roles in the movie. It was not with such expectation that I went to Barcelona. I actually set out with a sense of loss and sentimentality. Several times, the dazzling sunshine really made my head spin. I wasn’t capable of anything except following Shaggy around. When necessary, I would speak the few Spanish words I knew to get to our destinations. It felt very surreal since I used to be a super independent traveler.


Some people and we are meant to be. It’s the same between some places and us. In the last episode in Paris, Je T’aime, a single American woman goes to Paris alone, without any lover or friend. Yet, her connection with the city consoles her. I watched the film several times, but I never quite understood how Paris did that. Nonetheless, in Barcelona, I was inspired in similar ways. One afternoon on our visit to Park Güell, we drew upon entering, then all the way to Casa-Museu Gaudi, to the huge pavilion where we were accompanied by the Spanish guitarist. The sentimental music and tourists flowed past by me, but I didn’t raise my head at all. I didn’t even mind the attention I drew from them. This was the moment between me and myself.


The following day, I raised my head, to drink in more scenery. I moved at an extremely slow pace. With one step I took, I had to draw a new scene. This lasted until we went to the harbor in the evening for the last sketch as our ritual to say goodbye to Barcelona. I drew 11 pictures in total that day.


Life is full of unfulfilled dreams and love, but I don’t want these tiny frustrations to leave any sad trace in my heart. The following morning, before the sun rose, we strode ahead under the indigo sky. Despite the heavy luggage, my heart felt light. And we were so looking forward to the next stop.



  1. 祝愿台湾尽快摆脱‘莫拉克’的威胁,灾民平平安安渡过难关。

  2. 對災民受苦大家都很難過,但是除了捐錢之外,眼前好像也不能多做什麼.回想與述說美好的事物,不要讓自己浸在災難的低潮情緒中也是很重要啊.


  3. 我不太看新聞的,因為我覺得如果要每天看那些很戲劇性的東西,而且24小時強力播送,不如直接開車送東西去災區幫忙。

