Tuesday, January 27, 2009

our third Valentine / 第三個情人節

LOVE by Weichuen You

Why do swans have sweet love?

Why do polar bears have warm love?

Mama, why am I ALL alone? It's not unfair!
Mama says, "You are loved by all the world! Love comes in so many forms. Pay attention!"

"Mama's love is like an elephant. She lifts you up with a firm foothold. "

"And she makes you swing in the air!"

"Daddy is a hippo. He takes great care of you."
"More, he dreams with you in the water."

"Grandpa is a fierce lion. He protects you, adores you without spoiling you."

"Grandma loves you in the way a hen loves her chicks. You are always the first thing in her mind."

"The aunties are passionate scorpios. When they are around you, no meanie dare come near."

"Big sis follows you. She is your faithful friend."

Wow, so many people love me!

Maybe a little too much!

"Just give it back!"

How do I love? Like the happy bird that takes everyone on a flight?

Or like the naughty cat that amuses everyone?

Or like the tame rabbit that pleases everyone?

Or can I love like the furry sheep that warms everyone?

Mama says, "As long as you are sincere, the world will get to feel your love!"

Since last semester, I have become quite neurotic. I used to be the kind of person that didn't have work finished until the last minute. Now I've totally transformed into a total stranger who makes preparation weeks ahead of the due date. I am even going to extend this "good" habit to the celebration of Valentine's Day? The truth is, the MUJI sketchbook I took with me to Nanto, central Taiwan, last week remained blank even after the trip. I felt sorta guilty on seeing the boundless white, so I might as well write a story for Von. The apple of our eye is 2 and half years old. Sooner or later, he'll pose questions about love. I can't figure out a better form of answers than picture books.


I'd like to thank my pal Caterina for her envelopes. I was just thumbing through the mail I had received last year, and it suddenly occurred to me the color of her envelopes, her handwriting and stamps might create an impressive visual effect. If I count the mileage of getting the materials for making this little book, it'll be round trips from Taiwan to Korea, from Taiwan to Japan and a single trip from Italy to Taiwan. Isn't it amazing...


  1. 你-口氣就把小班,中班,大班的課都備好了啊,我還苦於過年的胃漲氣哩,所以我們最後給的起的都已是一顆縫縫又補補的心嗎?但為什麼是黃色的呢?

  2. 大過年,就有一種在考試的感覺.....好玩,好玩!看圖說故事?有獎品嗎?我來拜年的,新年快樂喔。(沒新詞,不過是真心話,祝福你平安幸福)

  3. 小蕙:我只是把針線當作是種表達方式,沒有要特別表示甚麼破碎的意思。最後是黃色,是因為這是我有的素材中看起來效果會比較好的一種,你真是個敏感的讀者啊!

    ADA: 是喔,所以感覺大家很有壓力,這並不是我的原意啦!我只是想聽聽別人是怎麼想的。也祝你新年快樂!

  4. Anonymous8:07 PM


  5. 希望他是如此敏感體貼囉!

  6. 在電腦前發發呆一下就晃來這兒了!
    終於看到完整版故事: )

  7. 你確定嗎?像我這種該生的也沒生啊!

  8. 噢,你是大怪咖嗎!
    就等你哪天想乾脆嫁一嫁,神智不清時就可以喝喜酒了: )
