Thursday, August 07, 2008

sunset / 黃昏時分


Kansai this summer is quite intimidating with its scorching heat. I happen to be a laborious traveler. I spent most of the time walking under the sweltering sun. So on this trip, at evening time, I felt totally relieved. Apart from the cool breeze and receding heat, the sky took on intoxicating colors. Kyoto in the daytime is dazzling with its blinding sunshine. It's hard to imagine a city often compared to a classical beauty can be so sunny and energetic as a bikini girl. However, at sunset, the city's blushing sky did remind me of a shy yet super charming woman. Even though I just sat at the bus stop, doing nothing but gaze at the sky, I could feel the beauty of Kyoto.


The sunset is not the period of a day. Usually when I thought the trip of that day was about to end, and I planned to go back to my lodging place for a quiet evening, many unexpected episodes took place. I believe that even life at its sunset time is the same, still full of twists and turns.

攝於祇園‧京都 / photo taken at Gion, Kyoto

攝於祇園‧京都 / photo taken at Gion, Kyoto

攝於京都國立博物館附近 / photo taken near Kyoto National Museum

攝於大阪港‧大阪 / photo taken at Osaka Harbor, Osaka

Even in Osaka, a city I didn't think highly of, when I was moaning and groaning about its lack of culture, the city didn't disappoint me. The sunset at Osaka Harbor was so breathtaking that I couldn't stop pressing the button of my camera. Previously in the dumps, I was suddenly lifted and had a very different idea of Osaka.
Yet, when a Japanese friend asked me what was worth seeing in Osaka, it was hard for me to describe what I had seen and felt in words. If she never saw the wonderful sunset in person, no matter how I embellished it, she would just live in her fixed thinking of the city without knowing what she had missed.
In brief, just go traveling!


  1. Anonymous5:50 PM

    這讓我更相信,先前繞的路跟流的汗,都是為了看到這一幕: )

  2. 有美麗黃昏的地方真的不多唷,有一處美就扳回一成了,看來大阪是屬於愈夜愈美麗的夜貓子,以後我就黃昏到就行了.

  3. Anonymous8:23 PM

    雖然 不知道何時可以去
    不過 不要忘了問我喔

  4. Anonymous10:37 PM


  5. 薛吉:只能說只要還活著,人生就是充滿著驚喜!所以對很多事不要太篤定的才好。

    liang-hui: 真的,黃昏給大阪加了不少分,我還有下雨的黃昏版喔!

    kay: 想去就會去得了囉!

    louis: 不能停留個一兩天嗎?

  6. 每次经过你的部落个,都让我感到轻松,真美的黄昏~

  7. 真的嗎?所以我不是一個給人負擔的人囉!
