Wednesday, January 09, 2008

traveling day / 旅行日


We keep saying that we should take a trip when the answers we are looking for are nowhere to be found. I have stopped saying it, because I am on my way. My beginning point and final destination are places I can't be more familiar with. But I travel in a different state of mind and season, so I get to see fresh scenes. Winter is not the blooming season for lotus. The pond appears kind of empty. Fortunately, the sun still shines, so it seems the flowers try to pull themselves together and wait for the comeback of summer with patience.


Taking a break from scribbling, I glimpse at the blue sky out of the window. I think of you, who came here with me many years ago. At this moment, you are on your way to Europe, and you won't be coming back for a while.

On the traveling day, everyone sets out for his own destination...


  1. 這種熟悉又陌生的感覺,也是旅行的必要之一,透過一次次的出發,確認,有些人事的確悄悄的在變化之中.

  2. 沒錯,最主要的就是要脫離每天熟悉的路線和例行公事,才有辦法用新的眼光來看每日生活。

  3. I love that picture... wish I could draw like that...

  4. It's not difficult:-). All you have to do is take up the pen and practice every day. After all, I am not that good:-).

  5. 簽字筆素描很有味道!

  6. 速寫的時候我喜歡用簽字筆,因為鉛筆的痕跡太短暫了。
