Sunday, October 28, 2007

the "mature" travelers / 熟齡旅行團


Last night I had a dream. In my dream, after I said goodbye to a friend that I hadn't seen for years, I found myself in Taidong. I took a magic seabus. It sailed on the sea so wildly. What I saw was more than a feast for the eyes, especially the azure seascape. I even woke up with a smile on my face.


I have not had a chance to visit the east coast. However, in this autumn, I checked out some less known places nearby Taipei city with my "mature" travel companions, John and Sharon. Well, young people probably don't find it appealing to travel with three tourists whose total ages approach the colossal number 150. But for me, there is really nothing to complain about with a professional chauffeur and considerate tour guide like John and a straightforward, sometimes too straight, companion like Sharon. To be honest, I am quite in element with them. After all, the ultimate goal for traveling is: Have fun no matter where you go, as the old Confucius suggested.


On one cool autumn day, the three of us came to Jingshan, where we'd longed for going. The beautiful Baishawan Beach was no longer intimidatingly hot. The summer heat had faded. We felt nothing but bright sunshine and lovely breezes. Though only three weeks had passed by, the change of seasons was tangible. It was especially obvious outdoors. Yet we didn't have time to linger long. We were so determined to eat the famous ducks that John, who is always renowned for his slowness, was prompted to move faster toward our next destination.


I'd always considered Sharon to be an extremely honest person. However, before the trip, she didn't say anything else besides emphasizing the beauty of the duck meat. I had no clue about the CROWDS waiting for us there. As soon as we arrived at the famous Old Street, I was literally terrified by the gigantic number of visitors there. To successfully enjoy a duck feast, the tourists have to not only wait for seats available but also send their fellow tourists to get the dishes somewhere only the insiders were aware of. From the beginning to the end, I was in a over-shocked state. Fortunately, Sharon was as clear-headed and fast-moving as usual. She worked more than efficiently, even trapped in seas of people struggling for food even at 2:30 pm. We had tons of food in front of us within less than 20 minutes.


I was sort of at a loss facing dishes that were larger than the description of words. Strangers sitting across from me dug hard into the food with a nonchalant and resigned attitude. (Rice is no offered in the restaurant and that can confuse us more than non rice-eaters can imagine.) I stared at the duck meat, wondering how helpless they would feel even if they still had a breath. It would be impossible that they still felt like flying away, confronted by the presence of so many hungry human beings.

之後讀了Peter Mayle寫的French Lessons,有關他對法國飲食文化的觀察,相對於法國人的悠閒和優雅,如果梅爾有機會寫一本Taiwanese Lessons,風格應該會截然不同,不過每餐總是吃馬拉松式三小時很累人呢,有時也要來點直爽的、大快朵頤的東西,兩種風格相互交替才好,記得,過而不及啊!

I was reminded of our duck experience after reading Peter Mayle's French Lessons, a book on his observation of French eating culture. If he had a chance to write Taiwanese Lessons, it would be drastically different. After all, we are not a people famed for being elegant and carefree like French people.

My advice is, it can be tiring to have three-hour-long marathon meals all the time. If we can have something as straight and fast as Taiwanese-style meals, it should be fun. But never go to extremes. Bear the wisdom of the ancestors in mind: The Middle Way is the best!


  1. 依我看來John和Sheron是很好的玩伴,他們完全懂得要入境隨俗,才能樂在其中,玩的很開啊!如果你下次可以從那競爭激烈的搶食中,端回得來不易的戰利品,也許就會吃得津津有味了:)

  2. 喔,其實John在搶食物的過程當中不知為何就生起悶氣,也都不肯說,所以我到現在還是不知道他為了甚麼生氣,可能也在氣那人潮吧:〉

  3. Anonymous11:44 AM



  4. 是啊!但是其他人好像都很自在的樣子,難道是我們的問題嗎?:〉可能是因為整個過程太競爭了,我們後來覺得鴨肉沒甚麼特別,我想以後去我家路口的信維市場吃就可以了:〉


  5. 灰色獸小妹,我看了你介紹的動畫,啊,這位先生真是太有勁了,的確和金山的人潮有異曲同工之妙!

  6. Hi Miragee, you should write "The taiwanese lessons", and illustrate the book with your beautiful drawings.

  7. Anonymous3:18 AM


    bonnes fetes!
