Friday, July 06, 2007



Since I was little, I've known that I don't go for crowds. I am not fond of nor good at being with a large group of people. Sometimes I am nearly autistic. But people who know me well are aware of the detail that I am very sensitive to the interaction among individuals. I am also easily influenced by people's feeling. That is why practically all of my stories centered around humankind. I was constantly observing strangers when traveling. I never watched films without any real human actors. I thought I wouldn't change all my life.


Lately I've been very disappointed with mankind. I heard about all kinds of human vices and believed that I was always ready for the worst. But hell no, they are so much worse when you are confronted by them. Optimistic as I am, I can't but kind of despair. For the moment, I refuse to look at the dark and evil in the face.


I didn't like little animals. I would scream and run when seeing dogs when I was a kid. Now I find their frankness to be quite adorable. My current favorite, Shorty, never leaves a stranger without a stain of saliva on his/ her arm. It is so passionate about new people that I doubt if it still remembers who its owners are. Yet when the latter are about to go, Shorty does not forget to follow them, shamelessly with its head lowered. Its fickleness is so direct and obvious. On the other hand, the owners do not hesitate to forgive it when Shorty falls all over them and asks for love like sweet babies. Being in the company of a dog, one does not have to rack his brain. Life is so easy and carefree.


When I get so old and see through all the dirty tricks of human beings, I want to raise a dog and live my simple life away from all that sucks. Others will remember us as the dashing-single-girl-and-the-dog pair…


  1. Anonymous6:41 PM





    Good Day. I do enjoy your painting and words a lot.

  2. Anonymous6:44 PM

    It seems that my comment in Chinese couldn't work on blogger's system. I am not good at writting in English.

    All I want to say is is really nice that i bomp into this lovely blog so that i can learn more about you, your lovely words and paintings.

    All my best for your life in US.

  3. Anonymous8:40 PM



  4. 你還好嗎? 一向開心的人也會有不開心的時候. 不過壞人會敗退, 壞事會消散. 過了就好.

  5. Anonymous3:41 AM


  6. wisla: 其實我住在台北,學生每天和我說話時會使用到「宅」這個字呢!



    louis: 其實我有試畫你家Mochi,在我的札記本裡,但是畫得不太好,那是我下一階段的目標!


    johnny: 我想都還在控制之中,謝謝你!

  7. Our 4 legged friends do certainly show us the way towards a magnanimous heart and carefree attitude. Humanity does hold darkness and complete ugliness at times, I guess the work as we become more aware of this is to learn to embrace life anyways & being a daring girl & dog duo certainly sounds like a good way to do it!

  8. Anonymous6:16 PM

    Maybe a cat will suit you better... I have five and they are just so adorable. They go to their own litter box with training, while a dog, yes, I have one too, you need to take him/her out. It's nice to have either a cat or a dog, anyway.

  9. 真是令人愛不釋手的畫面啊!

    別讓煩人的事壞了妳的畫興!別忘了妳的Slogan "不管世界怎麼變,就愛畫畫和寫字。"

  10. Anonymous1:40 AM

    La vie n'est pas toujours rose,
    s'elle était, tu ne pourrais pas apprécier ce que tu as.

    Je suis comme toi, aime dessiner et raconter la vie avec la differente expression artistique.

    Petit fleur lyonnais

  11. Kate: Well, I lived with a cat for a short time, but I think I still prefer dogs. I don't mind taking them out since I go jogging every day. Cats are too mysterious for me. I like dogs' straightforward ways and faithfulness.

    Harlequin: 有些事得花點時間才能放開,不過我真的不再想了,只有美好的事物才是王道!

    petite fleur lyonnaise: C'est vrai qu'il y a des cotes gris dans la vie mais ce n'est pas grave. Par penser aux belles choses, la vie n'est pas tellement insupportable:-).

    Si tu reviens, j'espere que tu me montes ton art!

  12. Anonymous8:38 PM

    Miragee, reading this makes me want to drive home to my parent's house and hug my dogs (though I just did that yesterday)....

    Have you read Ni Quang's stories before? I can't remember the title of that one particular story that he wrote, but it's about how human are actually degrading slowly, how we act so was quite frightening, but somehow, when we read about all those crimes, those abuses in the papers, one just can't help but find some truth in his fiction...

  13. 心情不好似乎變成一種習慣

  14. Anonymous9:28 PM


  15. beautiful drawings!

  16. Anonymous12:59 PM

    wierd, the systems just doesn't work right, guess my pc got virus.

    well, i began to read your very first and two posts and reply on your kitchen story- a very disctintiv and poetic way to share your love story.

  17. Anonymous4:26 PM

    hey guys, thank you for your kind messages. i am currently traveling in shikoku, japan, and i will not be home until a few days later, so take good care of yourselves and i will reply in more details after i return from my trip!

    from miragee

  18. constance: Yeah, it's quite horrible to have to look at the evil sides of human nature in the face. But I am ok now. I thought a lot during my trip and I think I am strong enough again!

    Thank you for sharing the stories with me!

    sorrow: 最近的確覺得自己會習慣性地發脾氣,不曉得是不是和天氣也有關係呢!

    spookie: 我最近有一天夢到你呢!謝謝你的安慰,有時候就是會忘記不要庸人自擾,真是想不開啊!

    isay: Thanks!

    wislawa: I did receive your message to the kitchen story. Sorry about getting back so late, because of my trip:-).

    Few people read my early posts seriously, and I am flattered that you did. It's the record of my previous love affair, which didn't turn out to be everlasting. Anyway, I am still glad to have experienced it and learned, especially about the lesson that love is not just about two people. It's also about families...This is quite real, but we just can't get away...
