Sunday, June 24, 2007

Botanical garden, 2007 / 2007的植物園


So many people have been telling me about the beauty of outdoor sketch this semester. I do not enjoy painting in front of people, but lately I have felt a strong desire to try sketching. Speaking of a perfect venue, the café in National Museum of History came to mind. Actually, I went there no more than a week ago for the exhibition of artists' handmade books. But I couldn't resist the temptation of going there again this weekend. I had my mind set on the long and narrow café on the second floor. It faces the lotus pond, giving people a full view of the lush garden. It is always quiet and well-lit. I can't think of a better place.


As you can tell, I've been addicted to the use of journal books. I dug out the old journal for the trip to New York City seven years ago. I do not mind the long interval between now and then. On the hot Saturday afternoon, half of the tables in the café were empty, but the good seats next to the windows were all occupied. I looked around while having lunch, not in any hurry. Fortunately, a couple stood up, ready to leave. I moved my cup and plates, secretly thanking God for such a heavenly twist of fate.


When I got down to work, little by little, the sounds around me were still distinct, but they didn't belong to my world, more like those coming from TV. The old ladies chatted calmly about their families, the young lovers whispered, and there were also the crisp digesting sounds of cameras. I was not aroused from sketching until the thunder outside struck. It rained.


To wait for the watercolor to dry, I turned to the previous pages. I hadn't read my own writing for many years. It was quite a coincidence that exactly seven years ago, I was also so fascinated with the New York Botanical Garden. The first half of the journal was all about it. I didn't quite remember how I had felt then until I read my words carefully. In the 24th summer in my life, how I liked that guy. But I wasn't happy most of the time. His fickle personalities were worse than unpredictable. My past sensitivity touched me. I thought to myself, so I was like that seven years ago.


It rained harder. More and more people came in the café to take shelter. The noise grew in proportion to the thunder and lightning out of the windows. I thumbed through pages and pages of sorrow and uncertainty. I read as if it had been about me from the previous life. I did remember that unrequited love affair, but the details were all too unfamiliar. I couldn't think of any. Then I turned back to a new page, starting another sketch. The small bonsai plants on the tables, the people next table were lovely topics. While waiting for the watercolor paints to dry, I would enrich the empty parts of the pages with lotus exposed to the rain, lotus blown by the wind, straight-falling big raindrops, the giant trees and shades, etc. etc. etc. After the pages were filled, I would go back to the past, traveling between my words.


The rain let up little by little. The guests left one by one. The scenery around me kept changing, from the old couple to the young lovers to a girl to two foreign men. I traveled from the present to the past and back to the present through words. Among all these changes, my brushes kept dancing on the pages. I seemed to be alone, but I was not alone.


It was almost the evening time. I felt sort of fatigued. I closed my journal, took up the big bags, and walked out of the café in a very relaxed mood. On the short Saturday afternoon, I saw everything, but there was nothing in my mind. The only question I gave a thought to was where I should have my sketch lesson next week.


  1. 過癮!過癮!!

  2. Anonymous11:31 PM



  3. harlequin: 因為你的鼓勵,我覺得自己應該要試著練習速寫,真的很好玩!



  4. and thank God for the rain too! Miragee, you do write so beautifully, accompanied by your beautiful must not forget to remember, that you have a book to really musn't forget...
    or let go...

    Your words are as illustrious as your paintings/drawings...I could almost hear the pitter-patter of the rain against the window pane...and the smell of rain from the opening of the cafe door when people walk in from the outside....

    it's such a bliss to read this....and to know that it's real...

  5. Anonymous9:37 PM


  6. What a surreal experience to time travel and re-experience yourself. A whole other lifetime!

  7. 終於想起要留下個隻字片語 說些啥好呢 卻難倒了我 :(
    ..... ........ ...... ...... :)
    很是欽佩你的忠於自己及坦承地公開 文字或圖畫皆令人迷戀 謝謝分享生活的點點愉悅

  8. Anonymous11:52 PM

    很有意思的戶外寫生札記, 讀來清新自然.

  9. Constance: Thank you for constantly reminding me of my goal. I have to admit that I am sort of lax recently due to many reasons. But that doesn't mean I've forgotten what I've always wanted. I will go for it!



    calli: That's the beauty of keeping a journal. I might not think there's any importance in it at that moment, but when I look back, I am always glad that I got to record my life.

    darkdarling: 謝謝你來拜訪我的部落格,我其實已經很修飾我的情感和生活了,有很多不重要的細節或負面的情緒我都省略掉,不然情緒平復時應該會後悔吧!


  10. Anonymous6:36 PM

    嗯 讀了這篇,讓我好懷念國小的寫生課啊!
    小小年紀的自己竟然可以對著一株戶外的植物,專注地畫上一兩個小時,現在想想應該是大自然賜與的力量吧! 呵!

  11. 不過我好像是現在比較有耐心,從前畫畫都是因為爸爸媽媽要求的!

  12. Anonymous8:17 PM


    It is very true that you have pretty strong interest on nature as well as sketching when you were student there in the State. I remember receiving nice sketched cards from you. Now I don't know where I kept that, I think I am getting old.

    Uncle S.

  13. Ha, I don't remember what I sent you! But you should keep it because I don't know when I'll become famous:-).

  14. Anonymous1:32 PM

    Yeah, exactly you never know! That is the reason why I was trying to get it, sadly I couldn't find it?

    Uncle S.
