Monday, May 21, 2007

Fantasy of the Little Room / 11號狂想曲


A while ago I was obsessed with the beautiful East Taiwan. I couldn't help thinking back on my past trips. On seeing the poster of Bike Etude, I was tempted to go back to the theater which I hadn't visited for months. I didn't expect anything other than the lovely scenery of the island, but I came out totally carried away by the touching and profound stories narrated in down-to-earth ways. Even though two weeks have passed by, the film still arouses ripples in my heart when I speak of it.


I love to travel, but I don't have the determination of the protagonist, a young boy with hearing disability. He traveled around the island within 7 days by bicycle and encountered many people, even becoming part of their stories.

While I was jogging one evening, it occurred to me that with my daily 3.6 kilometers every day, I will accumulate a mileage of 1,500 kilometers per year, if I am not lazy. With that distance, I can jog around Taiwan twice. On my journey, I will run into people from all walks of life and end up with tons of stories.


I am not sure if I will make it. Yet it doesn't hurt for me to put down the image in my head. I jog around the island carefreely. Along the coast is the dazzling sea on which the sunlight dances. The air smells of sea salt and asphalt of the roads. When I reach the west coast, the soaring and lush mountains will be there to welcome me. Ah, beautiful Taiwan!


Anonymous said...

嗯 看來我們都被這部電影深深地感動著!

harlequinpan said...


Weichuen You said...

spookie: 你真幸運,我每天只能看到很無聊的都市景色,還好我這個人挺會找樂子的。我也很想到台北市以外的地方教書,但是又擔心自己會不適應,總之有時候我還真沒有決心呢!

harelquin: 你ㄧ定要去看這部片,台灣真是美呆了!



isay said...

i like when you're sharing about your experiences when you are travelling esp. tht of Taiwan, i hope i can see your land one day.

Callipygia said...

miragee- I had this feeling about seeing Motorcycle Diaries- what a wonderful intention, and remember not every journey is one contiguous line!

Anonymous said...



Anonymous said...



Weichuen You said...

isay: Then come visit me one day! Taiwan is a lovely lovely place. I wasn't able to realize how beautiful it is when I was younger, but now I do. I don't think I can ever leave this place anymore...

Calli: Oh, speaking of that film, I do think I am in need of a road trip. I might have a chance to visit other parts of Taiwan during summer break. I'll definitely record my experiences if I do!



butterfly: 謝謝妳默默的支持,我總是帶著一種感激的心情,太多太多人無條件地幫助我完成我的夢想,所以我只能更努力地走下去!歡迎妳一直回來,我會不斷地改進!