Thursday, November 09, 2006

Missing Florence / 想念佛羅倫斯






Florence is a girl from tropical Malaysia. When I first met her, it struck me as odd that a girl like her had such an European English name. She is no different from others from tropical countries. Her skinny little body was like a thin willow in the wind. The round glasses on her tiny face made her look much younger than her actual age. But when she started to talk, words of wisdom never stopped flowing out of her mouth. She came all the way from Malaysia to Taiwan at 18 and started a brand-new life far away from home by herself. No wonder she was much more mature than those peers who still lived at home.

When I was in college, I hardly got along with friends that were also from Taipei. Meanwhile, students from Southeast Asia were too foreign for me. I didn't find anyone who I could share my thoughts with. On a certain trip, I accidentally saw Florence's glow. Her comments were straightforward and wise. I found myself attracted to this unremarkable-looking girl. I was fond of her loyalty to her best friend, her tenacity to get the best out of life, and that pessimistic-but-not-sad resigned attitude. Florence was there in my most beautiful yet unstable years.

Florence played a role that I longed for all my life. When people were trapped in difficulties, she would state her objective opinions calmly and rationally, as a by-stander. In fact, she later complained to me that nobody really took her suggestions. What everyone sought for was some nice consoling words. After they were healed, they simply left her advice behind and moved on. Once she was so sick and tired of being taken so lightly and claimed that she wouldn't give suggestions anymore. I still clung to her like to a buoy on the vast sea, hoping that she would pull me up when I was down. I knew well that she was way too rational sometimes, but when I was overwhelmed with emotion, I needed to hear her voice.

After having been to Florence, I realized that the city name Florence was just right for her. She isn't like anyone from the tropical zone. Her ups and downs were perfectly hidden. She reminds me of the gentle and calm Firenze. There is no dazzling light, but she has that heart-warming magic.

At the end of autumn on the subtropical island, I am missing that girl named Florence, who lives in the tropical area…


  1. 秋涼真是懷念老朋友的季節...

  2. She sounds like a beautiful person. I can see why you miss her.

  3. Harlequin: 真不曉得翡冷翠的秋天是不是如我想的詩意‧‧‧

    Angela: I miss Florence because we have lost contact. I hope she'll come back into my life again one day...

  4. You've got a wonderful way to express yourself. Your texts are very touching.

  5. I am sorry that you miss your special friend. Sometimes it helps me to remember that we are irreversibly touched by others and they will always reside in a very special part of our heart.

  6. Marc: I think that's because I miss Flo a lot...

    Calli: That's so true. Even though I am no longer in contact with Flo, she has her place in my heart...

  7. 我想是將心比心吧, Florence應該對你也是滿懷思念的. 我也想念我的朋友們, 哎.

  8. Anonymous11:10 PM




  9. seasonc: 謝謝你,希望有一天Flo又再度回到我生活裡!

    Lemonz: 佛羅倫斯是很有氣質的城市,在炎熱的夏季裡,令人靜下心來,想不到她在秋季裡依然美麗。
