Monday, July 31, 2006

Single Women 1 / 單身女郎 1





Their Well-hidden Past

On seeing the blank state of single women's love life, some people can't help but interpret that as a kind of incompleteness. Sometimes they even presume that the emptiness lasts for a whole life. As a matter of fact, before I met my single gals, I believed so naively.

Welcome to our Single Gal Club! It's not really us that choose such a loveless life, but we do know how to get the most out of our carefree days. Among the single women I know, everyone has beautiful stories to tell. But we choose not to live in the past. On hot yet quiet summer afternoons, at lovely sunsets, in occasional emails, I get a glimpse of their history. They do not recount the stories with nostalgia. It's more like they are narrating other people's life, with a touch of humor and wisdom.

If they still believe that the term "single women" equals no love expriences, that's only because we choose not to say anything. In fact, single women were once some men's princesses and dreams...


  1. You have posted so many wonderful artworks and postings!!

  2. Thank you so much Alina!

  3. Single women are still in my dreams! :p

    What's inside the box, I wonder!

  4. Marc: It was once my watch box, but now I can put anything inside! The only drawback is that the paint doesn't seem to stay on the surface and that kinda bothers me...

  5. 「單身女郎也曾經是別人的公主和夢想」
