Sunday, February 12, 2006

Simple / 單純

by Weichuen You 2006

About the girl named "Simplicity"--

Everyone says she is complicated. Her thoughts are hidden within layers and layers of petals filled with words. No one gets what she really thinks. She is too distant and mysterious to understand.

She says, "How can it be? My name is Simplicity. I am like all the other things in the world. See through the appearance and I am as simple as nature, as life..."




PS: The last character in my Chinese name means "Simplicity."


katat0nik said...

This is so cool, nice concept! I like how you did the flower, with words & textured pink petals. Lovely.

ether said...

Very beautiful and delicate.

Joy Eliz said...

Wow! what a great post. Beautiful picture, lovely words.

Claude Richard said...

Good works !

mid-life zhen said...

Very creative work to illustrate yourself. You are really not simple.

Regina said...

OH!!! I just love this!!! So sweet and beautiful!! I love the layers of words and petals. The rose from a distance may seem simple but it is not simple at all!

Anonymous said...

Simply gorgeous!

Weichuen You said...

That's true:-). It took me a long time to cut and paste the petals. But collage gives me a different sense of satisfaction than painting. It's actually fun!

Cin said...

wow Miragee, this is wonderful, you are wonderful!

Ellen said...

This is fantastic! I love how metaphoric it is!

Anonymous said...

words,idea and illo ... everything is great!

Baskerville Hound said...

so beautiful Miragee- well done. I love the concept and your illustration of it is so pretty and delicate. So glad to have you involved in our journal project :)

Weichuen You said...

Hey, thanks for all the nice comments. You guys are really sweet...

ottoblotto said...

Charming piece!

carla said...

I love the serenity and security this piece conveys...beautiful collage!

Lee said...

very nice...I love the 3d aspect...can't wait to see if the ducks pop off your pages ;)

Unknown said...

This is beautiful!! LOVE IT !! AMAZING!!