Saturday, February 18, 2006

Epilogue of "Oh My Loveman!"

by Weichuen You 2006

While I was posting "Oh My Loveman!", I realized the differences between the story and the reality were only growing bigger and bigger. The story was within my control, but it was not so with real life. Besides, the latter is sometimes more dramatic than fiction. It is mission impossible to put down all my feelings in words, so I'll let my paintings tell the story.

I've had moments of desperation, struggles, self-reproach, anger, disappointment, and even self-negation. It dawned on me earlier this week that I had to give myself a hug should I feel bad about myself. And with the story behind, it's really time to move on.

I think I'll be fine, and I hope the same for him.


  1. Anonymous3:51 AM

    Dear 淳子:

    這張圖一照面就深深打動我心,彷彿可以感覺得到一股醞釀多時的湧動,在擁抱之下頻頻安撫。彷彿說著:This too shall pass.

  2. 你的評論真是詩意!可是是因為我在畫這張圖時內心充滿了誠懇的情感吧!我自己也很喜歡,其實還有另一個版本呢!但是最後還是選了這一張,雖然簡單,但是視覺效果很強烈。
