Thursday, August 18, 2005

"A Tree Grows in Brooklyn"

This was a drawing done in 2002 after I read the novel A Tree Grows in Brooklyn by Betty Smith. I was captivated by the words I am going to quote later. This summer my young friend Patty reminded me of the story. I'd like to share the picture with her and those who are deeply moved by the novel.

Francie saw two young girls making preparations to go out with their fellows. Since none of the flats had bathrooms, the girls stood in front of the kitchen sinks in their camisoles qnd petticoats. And a line the arm made, curved over the head while they washed under the arm was very beautiful. There were so many girls in so many windows washing this way that it seemed a kind of hushed and unexpected ritual.

Excerpt from "A Tree Grows in Brooklyn"

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