Sunday, August 06, 2006

Capture / 捕

"I don't want to capture any heart. I just want to tame one that I really adore..."

Huei's film-making project still goes on. And she never doubts the decision of my role, which is the only and one lead actress. A few days ago, she came to my place to shoot the scene in which I painted. I was quite anxious since my brain was literally drained that morning. It would be unprecedented to film someone who painted nothing but air, and I didn't want to disappoint her.

I did have an image in mind, but I wasn't sure if I was calm enough to put it down. Then it occurred to me that I could express my whole concept only with simple lines and shapes. Thus started our silly little spy game. I knew what every line meant, but Huei was puzzled. As time went by, she saw more and more cryptical symbols on the paper. At the same time I said to myself silently, "Come on, this is easy. You should know what I want to convey!"

That day, I enjoyed how it felt to be an abstract art painter. In fact, it doesn't matter what I want to say. What you get from the picture is far more important. At least that's how I console myself when I try to appreciate abstract artworks.






The Unknown said...

It's beautiful.

claudine hellmuth said...

great, fresh artwork!

Chan Wah Chen said...

Very interesting. I really admire your creativity and imagination.


I see at least one pokémon trying to hide in there, unfortunately being eaten by a shark.
Excuse my silliness :)

Its a beautiful quote along with an interesting painting. And I love your little story, I am getting increasingly interested in that film project. Will we be able to see it in the end?

bruno côrte said...

beautiful... Miragee

Weichuen You said...

Thank you everyone. I think it's rather risky to try abstract art, but I have to say that I've never felt so relaxed when creating.

As for the film project, I did talk about putting it on my blog with Huei. I do not have any clue how to do that, but she will show me how to do it. So please keep coming back!:-) There is always fun stuff here!

carla said...

This is abstarct, but has a narrative feeling as well. I loved your post, written so petically. In the painting, I see forms of things familiar, but within the sea and the sky and the land, there are hints of other things. This makes me think of the idea that everything is energy and reconfigures into something else when it finishes its "life." It also makes me think of the idea that you can't step twice into the same river. Beautiful work, Miragee!