When we visited the castle in Beaumesnil, it was a beautiful Saturday afternoon. Compared with those numerous and celebrated chateaux in the Loire region, this one is a 0.01 karat of diamond. Its glamour is not eye-catching but agreeable all the same.
I took my first trip to France three years ago. My companions and I, we took extreme pleasure in digesting fully-loaded itineraries. As travelers, we wanted to see nothing but the best and the coolest. That frame of mind led us to Chambourg, Chenonceau, Ambois etc. Exquisite and stunning as they are, we ended up promising never to see any castles in the rest of our life. Simply put, we had had enough.
Had it been not for the impulse to prove there that is nothing to see in Normandy, I would still keep the promise. The Beaumesnil chateau was just a beginning point. I came across its lovely picture online and it is not too far away from Elbeuf. Since the castle is located within the meandering paths surrounded by green fields and trees in summer, its charm is obviously not easy to detect. We were not the only visitors though. Private as the castle is, among the few visitors, some spoke a Germanic language which I couldn't distinguish. It didn't take much time to go through the whole building. But we paid the ticket price for a sunny day, a lovely stroll, a cheering adventure, and also, good mood.
From now on, I will stop glorifying the South because too many tourists have been doing it in my place. The tourist sites in Normandy welcome people only six months a year, from April to September. It will be a huge shame not to be a little more sensitive to its beauty while it screames in silence, "Look at me, even just for a few secs!."Come to the North to experience the cooling air. It's just different, not worse in any way.
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