孩子,麵包是很可貴的啊!Kiddo, bread is much more important than you thought!之前從來沒有跑過藝術市集的經驗,所以這次在朱銘美術館的擺攤經驗就是我人生中的第一次。和我熟識的人都知道做生意是我的死穴,但是我又多麼想淺嚐販賣自己夢想的感覺,多虧我的熱血青年軍和無怨無悔的父母、友人在我背後撐腰,讓我從無到有生出了一批貨品,由熱情的少女們吆喝吸引顧客上門。
I had never sold my own works in handicraft fairs, so Ju-ming Art Museum offered me another first-time experience. Those who know me well are definitely aware of the fact that I was not cut out to be a businesswoman. Far from it. Still, I wanted badly to taste the beauty of selling my own dream. Thanks to my enthuasiastic fans and resigned parents plus friends, we created something out of nothing. There were also passionate young girls shouting to attract more customers.
Everything was perfect in my imagination. However, in the art museum located on the hill far away from the city, plus the scorching temperature, things were not the same as I had pictured. We sat in the cool pavilion waiting for our "fat lambs." It was not that hot as outside, but those visitors who passed by us were marked by a total lack of interest. I thought about it and came up with two possible explanations. It might be that the style of my works was too unadorable. Or we had that greedy look on our faces, which made them shy away from us. I did not feel like a popular artist at all:-). Well, I wonder if Jimmy or Nara Yoshitomo would still keep that halo around them if they were selling their products up here in the museum...
We were not that disappointed. This was the last free day before I went back to work. I could still live at a leisure pace, even just for a few hours. I was never bored since I got some young girls to tease. In the meanwhile, I got to experience the efforts that artists have to make for earning a living. It seems that without any talent for business, it's not hard to imagine them begging for food on the streets.
Before I left, I took a last glimpse at my dream. I will go back to work soon, willingly. Or how am I going to fly?